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Matilda: No Ordinary Traveler Visits Africa - Book 1

Matilda: No Ordinary Traveler Visits Africa - Book 1

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Matilda: No Ordinary Traveler Visits Africa Pentalogy No. 1 (eBook)

Matilda has a passion for learning about other cultures and has studied cultures around the world. However, she knows that reading a book is not the same as experiencing culture firsthand.

With a new friend and a lots of hope, Matilda attempts to visit the continent that fascinates her the most: Africa. Will Matilda be able to make it there? She travels to the continent of Africa in the first of the Pentalogy

©️ 2022 Imagine the Writers' Pen

POB 5591, Pearl, MS 39288

By Myah Jefferson Lane, PhD

Illustrated By Oyindamola Florence

Cover By designer_munny

eBook ISBN: 979-8-9860687-4-9

Publisher: Imagine the Writers' Pen


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